
Monday, February 14, 2011

Strawberry and Vanilla Cupcakes

I like pink.

(Not afraid to say it.)

I also like pretty sparkly things and dinner by candlelight.

I like long walks on the beach and romantic sunsets.

(For the record, I like Justin Beiber too.   (Yes, I know.))

So, naturally, I love Valentine's day.

In honor of my first official married Valentine's Day, I wanted to make something pink, sweet and sugary.   All the lovely things about this holiday tucked away in a cute little cupcake.

I know it is not exactly strawberry season, but the grocery store had a great deal on strawberries this week.  They were actually really good too, not just bad strawberries at a good price (pet peeve).

The vanilla cupcake is solidly good, not too sweet and a perfect base for the main attraction.   The frosting.   And yes, it is super sweet, and it will give you a  stomach ache if you eat too much of it, but it is also full of juicy fresh strawberries and a nice reminder that warmer weather may actually be around the corner.  (Plus, bonus points for being pink!)

Just what the doctor ordered for Valentine's Day.    So try this recipe from Honey & Jam.   I didn't change a thing and would certainly make these again!

  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Very pretty!
    Looks delicious...Happy Valentines Day!

  2. those look yummers! Happy Love Day, dear!

  3. Those look absolutely amazing! I'm sure your hubby was more than pleased :)

  4. Your food photography is really wonderful. Especially your lighting. And now I am hungry. :)


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