
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Secret Garden

My favorite place in Paris.

Yes, I know.   For any of you that have been following me around lately, you’ve probably noticed that I have quite a few favorite places.   And that’s very true.   I suppose that’s one of the main reasons we travel, to discover all of those favorite little things out there that make our hearts sing. 

I first visited the Musee Rodin in April 2008 with my now fiance, John.   Our inaugural vacation together.    It was a tough first six months for us.   I lost my mom in September the prior year to breast cancer.   John and I had only met two months prior.    I figure if we can survive that kind of turmoil in our first year together, things will be good.   In any event, it was time for the two of us to get away.    And there’s nothing like Paris in the springtime.    Only I think we were right on the ‘verge’ of springtime.  Doesn’t matter… there’s still nothing like Paris and it was a very memorable first vacation together.

I have very fond recollections of our visit to the Musee Rodin.     We visited many places on this trip, some of which I wanted to return to this time around and others that I decided will stay in my memory.     I definitely wanted to return to this museum.

Not for the sculpture or even so much for the museum, which are both fantastic, but for the gardens.    I love the city.   Would be tremendously happy living in an urban  environment, but only provided I can get my fill of ‘green’ days.     You’ve noticed on this trip, I try and space out city activity with green activity to give my mind a little rest and refresher.


For just one euro, one can buy access to the gardens surrounding the museum.      Honestly, it is worth so much more.    This is probably one of the most peaceful and tranquil places I have ever been.    Everything is perfectly manicured and yet very natural.   The gardens flow around the outside, dotted with brilliant sculpture.  I love a good sculpture garden.    Something about the air and setting makes everything all the more amazing. 

There are pockets of true garden areas, filled with blooming roses at the time of my visit, small forested spots, lawns dotted with chairs for sitting and reading, a reflective pond in perfect visual alignment with the museum.     Paths for wandering, flowers for smelling, clean air for breathing.    Beautiful, calm and very very peaceful.

I absolutely love that there were so many people here that clearly paid one euro to take a nap.    You know it is good if you are willing to pay to take a nap.

I do not recall the flowers being in bloom to this extent during my visit here with John.    Gorgeously tended roses in all shades, carefully protecting the sculpture they surround.   Everything in wonderful harmony.    I can envision this location being used for a magnificent grand party.     Women in big hats and flowing dresses.   Music in the air.    Magical starlit evenings filled with festivities.    Lots of secret garden spots to grab a hidden kiss.   Very romantic.  

If I lived in Paris I would come to visit at least once a week.   It would be my very own secret garden to hide away in.   Somewhere to stop and smell the roses.   I hope I’ve encouraged you to find some time on your next visit to Paris to visit and if you’ve been before, to visit again!

Trust me, it is even better the second time around. 


  1. If your other favorite places are half as beautiful as this one I don't care how many you have! Just keep sharing the stories and photos!

  2. absolutely gorgeous photography...i am completely transported!

  3. I found you an Etsy forums. These photos are beautiful. I was recently in Vienna, and the roses remind me so much of my trip.

    Thanks for sharing!

    By the way, I recently started a giveaway on my blog, take a look:

    Win a magnet made to look just like you!

  4. love your blog.. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I simply MUST visit the Rodin museum next time I'm in Paris! Must!

  6. Yay! I'm glad you guys love it... I dream about going back! It really is beautiful.

  7. What a gorgeous post. This is also one of my favorite places in Paris. The first time I went there was on my honeymoon! I still go with my honey whenever I am in Paris.

    Stunning photos. I love the combination of the statues and the roses. I also love the "Burghers of Calais" statues. AND the "Shades" from the top of the Gates of Hell...

    Thanks for the morning minitrip.


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